Platform Amendment Fails

Saturday’s convention was a packed house with a strong distaste for the advances of the federal government. As such, my amendment which recognized that article 4, section 4 of the constitution gives the federal government the right to interfere with a state’s business if forces within the state try to subvert republican government, turned down the amendment until a better one could be recognized. I had several people that voted against it encourage me to try again but without that language so we’ll take it up next year at the state organizing convention.

The convention itself was packed. Over 98% of delegates were present and by now you know most of the outcomes. Bridgewater and Lee will face off in a primary with Bennett being eliminated. Rob Bishop sailed through. Philpot squeaked by without the need for a primary and his opponent Matheson will have to go to a primary having failed to get 60% of his party’s vote. Howard Stephenson (my senator and a champion of Alpine school district parents for his work on helping fight fuzzy math) also got through without the need for a primary.

13 Responses to “Platform Amendment Fails”

  • Aspen:

    Yep it is a tragedy that all those Ultra-conservatives got through so easily. Now Utah is the laughing stock of the nation for removing one of the most conservative senators in D.C. right now and putting in some Tea bagger.
    It is also sad that Stephenson could win again. Howard is one of the worst things that has happened to Utah. He is completely motivated to only do what he thinks best and could care less what anyone else thinks. He is a paranoid and out of control radical when it comes to his views. (That is not slander- I gave talked to him many times).
    All these things go to show that our Caucus system is completely wacjed out and should not exist. Straight Primaries are the only way We The People will ever have our voices heard. The Caucuses are out-dated and over run by Zealots in Utah today. All the polls that every major media outlet has been showing prove that the average voter has no voice in our state government today. It is being over-run by the few who do not represent the many. If our Founding Fathers saw what is going on in Utah today they would probably welcome tyranny back as opposed to what we have here in Utah.

  • Mike:

    Hey Aspen, It's hard to understand anything you're trying to communicate when you use so many bigoted and pornographic slurs. I feel sorry for any women and children who happen to live within the sound of your voice. When you learn some grown-up words and can carry on a respectful conversation, I'm sure you'll have much more success getting people to debate and possibly even listen to your opinions. Finally, I would recommend turning off the TV and developing an independant thought based upon critical thinking rather than parroting what you're fed from the actor reading the teleprompter.

  • So the fact that the public doesn't examine someone's record closely and delegates do is indicative that it's a broken system because delegates pick THEIR PARTY'S candidate? I suggest you read this blog post by Connor Boyack.

    Your comments and advocacy of straight primaries is indicative that you do indeed support “true” democracy, mob rule, and tyranny. The Founding Fathers gave us a republic with representative government. If you don't know how that works, it might help ease your anger toward current legislators if you learned.

    As for Howard, I guess if you don't have principles, you may find someone with principles to be very radical. I've personally witnessed Howard carefully listen to people without his point of view (of which I guess you would be one) and have a very rational discussion with them and explain why he believes differently based on his belief in a free market system. If you're an ultra-left wing liberal/progressive, of course you'll hate Howard, and yet he keeps getting elected over left wingers because the voting public respects his conservative principled stand.

    P.S. At Mike noted above, if you can't keep your posts family friendly, I will start removing them and blocking your comments. You're welcome to post if you keep your invective respectful. :)

  • Aspen:

    I can't believe you would consider a reference to someone who supports the tea party as pornographic. I had no idea there could be a sexual connotation to that word until you freaked out over it. Since apparently you knew there is a double-entedre in that word you are the people finding something sexual about it- where are your minds?
    I am not an Ultra-Liberal. In fact I was registered Republican until I realized what Utah's Republican party is really about and so now I am registered independent. I cannot support a political party that believes in Corporate welfare and supports big business over the common man.
    As for Stephenson being a man of principle, we clearly have different meanings of the word principle. That man has done nothing good for our state. He is an extremist in his political views.
    The Caucuses in Utah clearly show that our Republic you flounce around is not working. A republic is supposed to work for the people not the elite few. Have you read the 5,000 year leap? It clearly speaks against what is happening in Utah's caucuses. I do believe our country should be run by the people and not a few egalitarians. The common man (not woman in Utah's caucuses) cannot be elected to become a delegate unless they lie and say they are ultra-right wing. This is not because that is how the majority of people in Utah vote- but those are the people who over-run the caucuses. Look at what happened to Ohlene Walker in the caucuses. She had over a 70% approval rating by the people- but the leaders of her own political party slit her throat in the caucuses. That is not what the founding fathers wanted to create when they created our country. They wanted a Republic to be about the best people serving for the people not serving for themselves as is happening in Utah.

  • Aspen:

    I am not a parrot for TV people- that would be Tea party affiliates and their ultra-conservative sheep who only spouts what Glen Beck says.

  • Let me get this straight…
    1) You've read and agree with the 5,000 Year Leap.
    2) You can't find anything Howard Stephenson has done that's good for Utah

    Exactly how long have you worked for the UEA?

    Were you aware that George Washington was not elected by the people of his day? He was elected by electors. The Founding Fathers were the radicals of their day. There was not a majority of Americans at the time that wanted to declare independence and fight a war.

  • karinm:

    I have a feeling that 'Aspen' goes by the name, 'Maple', 'Birch', etc. Again I thank you for the abbuse you take on behalf of so many of us. This 'Aspen,' appears to be desperate, as 'it' gets more snide and vitriolic from what I can interpret of what 'it' writes, ultra-liberal is an understatement! Clearly 'it' wants some form of tyranny. Hey Aspen, I'm a woman raising the next generation and I support Oak!

  • lewisbarnavelt:

    One thing is for certain, the “tea party” people will divide the Republican Party to such a point that Obama will be guaranteed a second term. I also used to be a Republican until the ultraconservatives moved the party to the intolerant right. Like Eisenhower used to say, “I despise people who go to the gutter on either the right or the left and hurl rocks at those in the center.” That is why I also just dropped my membership in the Republican party and registered as an independent. It is time to quit voting for the party and start voting for the person otherwise you will end up with 1930's Germany all over again.

  • Aspen:

    1. I never said I 'agreed' with the 5,000 year leap, I have merely pointed out some of the things written in there that go against what you prophesy on here. I find it funny that you even cherry pick from that source to espouse your created version of truth.
    2. Howard Stephenson is not a man of integrity. He has passed many laws that benefit him or family members directly. He is one of the leaders against ethics reform (otherwise known as accountability for his stewardship as a legislator). I oppose almost every bill he has initiated- not voted for since everyone votes for a good law occasionally.
    3. I have never worked for the UEA. In fact I oppose much of what UEA has done over the last few years. They need a stronger focus on our children and not passing or supporting legislation that doesn't involve children in our public schools.
    4. I am very aware that we STILL elect our presidents by an electoral college or glorified caucus as it should be called. It was created to make sure that our president was picked not by the passions of the people but by more educated and calm heads. The founding fathers absolutely believed that the common was not educated well-enough to make all the decisions for our country which is why we are a Democratic-Republic (as I have always stated). To have an Pure Democracy with our population would be absurd- voting for every law and every person in every political office. We would do nothing else but vote all day long.
    I also know that as a people we are not ignorant farmers and laborers anymore. The American people are better educated today and informed today then they ever where during the 18th and 19th century. Having a caucus system or electoral college is out-dated now. We cannot live according to how the founding fathers wanted us to- too many things have changed since then. Just like how the founding fathers definition of democracy no longer applies to today's world- you are creating a panic over nothing. Your personal biases are blocking your ability to live in the here and now. It is hard to see that you are different than other conservative radicals in the history of the world and want to bring back the glory of days past. I would make a list of these people but you would probably only edit it out.

  • Mike:

    Lewis, I couldn't agree more with most of your comments. I too had no idea what that term meant until I looked it up myself – crazy how that works huh?! I imagine many “virgin ears” and eyes have done the same after hearing it used so much in the last few months. Nothing like being on the outside of a good inside joke, huh?!

    I don't affiliate myself with the “tea-party” movement in its current form. True “tea-party” activists are mad at the direction both R's and D's have taken us. I believe the movement has been co-opted by the neo-con right and now is the antithesis of what those who originally started the movement envisioned. I see the R's and D's as two wings of the same turkey. They have taken us for a ride down two different paths and ended up in the same place….Debt Slavery.

    I don't blame you for assuming that I watch or like Mr. Beck. A lot of conservative people love the guy. However, you couldn't be more wrong. I believe he is just as bad if not worse than the other tele-prompter news-actors on TV. The mainstream media is owned by a small group of very powerful corporations that benefit from feeding their audience false propaganda…including Faux News. To think you can get the straight truth from anyone given that much time on the propaganda machine is naive. I finally turned off the TV when I figured out I was being manipulated. I try to tell everyone I know to do the same, so they can see past the rhetoric used to promote division and fear. If you find yourself watching the TV and cheering for the “left” or “right” you're being manipulated. The way I see it, there are only two teams…the group who promotes freedom in all its forms on one side, and the group who promotes the taking of freedom on the other. The enemy of freedom is truth.

    Finally, to your denegrating Oak for his exposing what he believes are false educational ideas. I applaud him for what he has done to inform others on the dangers of what is being taught to our kids. Information and debate is never narrow-minded. What is narrow-minded is assuming everything we hear from those in authority as gospel truth. Oak is merely arousing us to our duty to be critical thinkers. And my critical thinking tells me there's more to this than just harmless misuse of vocabulary. I believe the “frog” is perilously close to being boiled to death. Oak is merely alerting a voice of warning, telling those who will listen to jump out before it's too late. Instead of decrying him as some out-of-touch lunatic, we should be thanking him for doing his part to sound a voice of warning to what he believes is critical to maintaining freedom. Don't want to listen? Then don't. Don't think it's real? Then ignore it. It bewilders me that anyone would fight against someone warning them of danger instead of just dismissing it and going on with their lives. But for those of us who have taken the blinders of complacency off and realized the awful situation we find ourselves in today, we applaud his efforts. Finally, I would ask what the consequences of Oak's fears being realized are, and then what are the consequences of them being completely wrong in the end? I hope he is wrong, but the evidence suggests otherwise. I've come to this conclusion using my God-given abilty to reason and think rather than taking his or anyone else's word for it. You are free to choose otherwise.

  • Mike:

    Oops, the enemy of Freedom is LIES not Truth :)

  • Mike:

    Lewis, I couldn't agree more with most of your comments. I too had no idea what that term meant until I looked it up myself – crazy how that works huh?! I imagine many “virgin ears” and eyes have done the same after hearing it used so much in the last few months. Nothing like being on the outside of a good inside joke, huh?!

    I don't affiliate myself with the “tea-party” movement in its current form. True “tea-party” activists are mad at the direction both R's and D's have taken us. I believe the movement has been co-opted by the neo-con right and now is the antithesis of what those who originally started the movement envisioned. I see the R's and D's as two wings of the same turkey. They have taken us for a ride down two different paths and ended up in the same place….Debt Slavery.

    I don't blame you for assuming that I watch or like Mr. Beck. A lot of conservative people love the guy. However, you couldn't be more wrong. I believe he is just as bad if not worse than the other tele-prompter news-actors on TV. The mainstream media is owned by a small group of very powerful corporations that benefit from feeding their audience false propaganda…including Faux News. To think you can get the straight truth from anyone given that much time on the propaganda machine is naive. I finally turned off the TV when I figured out I was being manipulated. I try to tell everyone I know to do the same, so they can see past the rhetoric used to promote division and fear. If you find yourself watching the TV and cheering for the “left” or “right” you're being manipulated. The way I see it, there are only two teams…the group who promotes freedom in all its forms on one side, and the group who promotes the taking of freedom on the other. The enemy of freedom is truth.

    Finally, to your denegrating Oak for his exposing what he believes are false educational ideas. I applaud him for what he has done to inform others on the dangers of what is being taught to our kids. Information and debate is never narrow-minded. What is narrow-minded is assuming everything we hear from those in authority as gospel truth. Oak is merely arousing us to our duty to be critical thinkers. And my critical thinking tells me there's more to this than just harmless misuse of vocabulary. I believe the “frog” is perilously close to being boiled to death. Oak is merely alerting a voice of warning, telling those who will listen to jump out before it's too late. Instead of decrying him as some out-of-touch lunatic, we should be thanking him for doing his part to sound a voice of warning to what he believes is critical to maintaining freedom. Don't want to listen? Then don't. Don't think it's real? Then ignore it. It bewilders me that anyone would fight against someone warning them of danger instead of just dismissing it and going on with their lives. But for those of us who have taken the blinders of complacency off and realized the awful situation we find ourselves in today, we applaud his efforts. Finally, I would ask what the consequences of Oak's fears being realized are, and then what are the consequences of them being completely wrong in the end? I hope he is wrong, but the evidence suggests otherwise. I've come to this conclusion using my God-given abilty to reason and think rather than taking his or anyone else's word for it. You are free to choose otherwise.

  • Mike:

    Oops, the enemy of Freedom is LIES not Truth :)