Summer Reading for Children

With summer rapidly approaching, I would love some thoughts on good books for children to learn about the Constitution and principles of freedom. I just finished reading Peter Schiff’s book, “How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes.” It’s a story of a fictitious country that deals in fish as currency. It’s a story that has “takeaway” interruptions that clearly explain the history of the principle being taught, or shows exactly how what he’s describing in the story has happened here in America. I think it’s an excellent book to teach people why Keynesian economics is utterly false and the Austrian economics model is superior. I’ve also started reading the Uncle Eric book series which is excellent and covers a variety of topics on economics and justice in a series of letters from an Uncle to his nephew. Both of these are good for teens, but I’d like to know from you what are some books that are good for younger children? And I guess other good books for teens…

4 Responses to “Summer Reading for Children”

  • Melissa:

    For really young kids I like the book “We the Kids” by David Catrow. It is a picture book where the text is the preamble to the constitution broken down into phrases with funny pictures depicting what the phrase means. It’s just a fun way to start teaching your kids early what those big words like justice or tranquility mean.

  • Jennrc3:

    There are alot of options at the bookstore in Salem called Love to Learn.  They have explainations of the Dec. of Independance, Constitution, Bills of Rights, etc.  They also have many other educational, but fun activity books that teach children about our country.  The bookstore is geared for a wide age group.  I love going in there, but I should warn you, it will be easy to stack up the great books and materials they offer $).  You can look online for them, but I personally like thumbing through anything I am going to buy so I don’t waste money on something that ended up not so great.  Exit left at the 1st Spanish Fork exit follow and go approx. 10 miles. It will be on your right.

    Also, “The Miracle of America” looked like a really good book.  It was recommended by Al Jackson and his wife. I think I will be buying it the summer and reading it to the children.  It is for younger children, but I think my 13 year old would still love it.

  • Rhonda:

    When my son was in 6th grade the teacher had his class read The Alliance by Gerald Lund. My son enjoyed it so much we then read The Freedom Factor.

  • Laura:

     “Take your Hat off When the Flag Goes By” is an outstanding cassette tape (if anyone else in the world other than me still has such a machine) for young children by Janeen Brady.  My grandchildren (ages 4 through 13) love it.  Maybe it’s on CD now.  A standing ovation to all suggestions above.  Landmark and Sower Series used to be in the Salt Lake County Library system – don’t know about now.    Most, if not all libraries have “interlibrary loan” capability – you can order anything from any library throughout the United States.  Love to Learn bookstore is definitely a great one-stop shop.